The Benefits of Pediatric Vision and Hearing Screening

Carisse Armada • Feb 20, 2023
The Benefits of Pediatric Vision and Hearing Screening

The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) recommends a hearing test for infants before they are one month old. They also recommend a complete eye and vision test between 6 and 12 months. 

Screenings for children's vision and hearing are regular tests administered to newborns, toddlers, and children to
identify any abnormalities or disorders in your child's capabilities in the areas of sight and hearing. Through screenings, you can detect early any eye and ear conditions which enable rapid intervention and treatment, hence preventing problems in the long run.

Symptoms Your Child Has a Vision Problem

You can tell if your child has trouble seeing through signs. They can
show signs of squinting, holding stuff closely to read, experiencing headaches, or whining about things appearing blurry. 

But there are some less obvious signs that your child has trouble seeing and hearing. These signs should not be ignored. Knowing when it is time to get a pediatric vision, and hearing screening is essential.

Here are
four signs that your child could have a vision problem.

1. Trouble Picking up Where They Left off When Reading

When reading, does your child have difficulties following what they're supposed to say and keeping track of the words? This could be the effect of several factors, including lazy eye, also called
amblyopia, in which one eye has less vision than the other.

2. Cannot Concentrate for a Significant Amount of Time

Does your child quickly lose interest in games, projects, and other activities that take time? If your child struggles with vision, this will be challenging to participate in these activities because they require clear eyesight. Prevent a possible decline in grades and school performance by taking your child for a vision screening test.

3. Does Your Child Tilt Their Head Sideways?

When something is directly in front of your child, do they turn their head to the side to have a better view of it? This could indicate nearsightedness (also known as myopia), farsightedness (also known as hyperopia), astigmatism, or even just a slight misalignment of the eyes. Vision screenings can easily detect this. 

4. Little Interest in Reading or Other Activities Requiring Focused Attention

Does your child avoid activities like reading, playing games, or sketching that need them to pay close attention? Having vision restrictions will present challenges and frustrations in childhood and adolescence. 

Signs That Your Child Has Trouble Hearing

A child who can not hear cannot react to sounds or words. There will be a delay in learning a language. As we progress in this blog, if your child shows signs of hearing issues, it is time to search “ hearing screening pediatrics” near me and schedule a pediatric hearing test today. 

Talk to your child's doctor and request hearing screenings if they don't do the
following in the first year of life:

  • For newborns, startling or "jumping" at loud noises come on suddenly.
  • By three months, they can recognize a parent's voice.
  • By six months, they can turn their eyes or heads toward a new sound and repeat sounds like "ooh" and "aah."
  • By 12 months, they will be babbling, responding to their name, imitating words, and saying a few words, like "mama" or "bye-bye."

The signs of hearing loss as your child ages:

  • The delayed speech or speech that is limited and unclear, 
  • Not paying attention or following instructions, not talking back,
  • Level speech or answering incorrectly, getting upset quickly when there's a lot of background noise, needing a louder TV, and having trouble learning are all signs of learning problems.

Why Are Pediatric Vision and Hearing Screenings Important?

a quarter of all children old enough to go to school have a severe vision problem. While too few children get the eye exams they need, they go through childhood with untreated vision problems. They manifest common eye problems in children, such as their eyes not aligning correctly, known as strabismus. If left untreated treated, your child can have far-reaching and long-lasting effects. 

Amblyopia is the most common
reason children and young adults have trouble seeing out of one eye.

Also, hearing impairments affect
one to three of every 1,000 children, ranging from minor to severe. These issues can negatively impact the growth of language and speech, academic performance, and your child's general well-being.

These problems can be avoided if hearing problems are found and treated early,
before your child is six months old.

The Benefits of Pediatric Vision and Hearing Screening

Screenings for your child's vision and hearing will not take much time. Still, they will provide a lot of information about their growth and development. Their advantages include the following:

1. Enhance Communication

If your child has hearing loss, they have difficulty communicating effectively. This can make it hard to talk or make it hard to speak at all. 

On the other hand, your child's speech, language, and educational outcomes
improve with the early discovery of hearing loss and adequate management, enabling them to reach their best.

2. Reasons for Learning Problems Can Be Discovered

The most significant reason for finding early hearing and vision problems is that it will tell you if your child has learning problems. Vision and hearing issues
can cause learning difficulties, particularly for your child, who can not determine if they are not seeing or hearing what they should.

However, giving your child access to hearing aids or ways to improve their vision, like glasses, helps them reach their maximum potential for growth and development.

3. Ensure Your Child's Safety

Once you receive your child's hearing and vision results, as a parent, you will be better equipped to determine what is needed for your child to navigate through life safely. For example, a service dog can help your child do more things they want to do without putting themselves in danger.

Further, your child who can't hear well can benefit by learning sign language. Learning sign language early will benefit your child if their hearing worsens as they grow. It allows them to communicate with a broader audience effectively. The same goes for children with severe vision issues. Learning braille will ensure your child can safely maneuver and explore life. 

Help Your Child Receive Early Detection

Sang Pediatrics
should be the first option for any search for "vision and hearing screening near me" or "pediatricians in Fresno, California."

We firmly believe that prevention is always preferable to treatment, and a routine child wellness check-up with us will assist in identifying your child's vision and hearing problems. The earlier problems are detected, the faster your child can receive treatment.

Please call us at (559) 268-1737.

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