How to Spot Signs of Developmental Delay in Your Child

Carisse Armada • May 02, 2023
How to Spot Signs of  Developmental Delay in Your Child

Understandably, you want your children to develop and progress at their own pace. However, sometimes your children can experience difficult-to-identify developmental delays. We wrote this article with you in mind so you will learn how to identify signs of developmental delay in your child. 

We recognize that the possibility of your child having developmental delays can be frightening. Still, early identification and intervention can make a significant difference. By recognizing the signs, you can ensure your child receives the necessary support to overcome its challenges. Together, let's investigate developmental delays in children.

What is Developmental Delay?

Each child grows at their own rate, and some children advance more quickly than others. On the other hand, a developmental delay is when your child
lags behind their peers of the same age in reaching certain developmental milestones.

Consult your child's pediatrician if you have concerns about possible developmental delays. There can be a medical cause for late development that a medical professional can only determine.

Developmental Delay Symptoms

It would be best not to ignore warning indicators of a child's delayed development. If your child is diagnosed early, they are more likely to receive the treatment they need to grow, develop their abilities, and reach their full potential. 

Different types of developmental delays manifest a diverse set of signs and symptoms. Children's developmental delays characteristics include the following:

  • There were signs of a delay in your child's ability to roll over, sit up, crawl, and walk.
  • Difficulty with abilities requiring finer motor control.
  • Difficulty comprehending what other people are saying.
  • Challenges with finding solutions to problems.
  • Challenges in terms of social skills.
  • Difficulty or delay in talking.
  • Problems with recalling past events and experiences.
  • Inability to make the connection between one's acts and their results.

If you observe any substantial lags in your child's progress, getting a proper developmental delay diagnosis from a medical professional is essential so they can have early detection and intervention.

Developmental Delay Causes

It's natural for you to want to know why your child isn't developing as quickly as other children of their age. The precise cause of developmental delays is not always apparent, but the following factors can contribute.

1. Genetics

Some forms of delayed development are because of problems inherited from one or both parents, and this is
due to genetic factors.

2. Environmental Causes

This developmental delay can be
due to parental health and behaviors like smoking and drinking during pregnancy, infections the mother or baby could have during pregnancy or early in life, and exposure to high environmental toxins like lead.

3. Premature Birth

Babies born
before 37 weeks of gestation or with a low birth weight can have a greater chance of experiencing developmental delays.

4. Trauma or injury

head injury, abuse, or other fatal accident can slow a child's growth.

Types of Child Developmental Delays in Children

There are different developmental delays. Your child can manifest any of these types:

  • Slow language and speech: When your child has this type of delay, they have trouble speaking or learning a language. For example, they will have difficulty pronouncing words, using the right vocabulary, or using correct grammar.
  • Gross motor delay: If your child suffers from this kind of delay, it can be hard to do big things like not able to sit on their own by 9 months old, and they could not or could hardly crawl, walk, or run.
  • Delays in fine motor skills: Small movements, which include those required for writing, holding or grasping a spoon, cutting with scissors, and buttoning clothes, can be difficult for your child.
  • Social and emotional delay: If your child delays emotionally and in making friends emotionally, they have no social skills and have difficulty keeping their feelings in check.
  • Cognitive delays: If your child has this kind of delay, it will interfere with their awareness and impair their intellectual functioning, leading to learning issues that frequently surface once a child starts school.

Developmental Delay Treatment

The news that your child has delays in development can be devastating. Your child could fall behind in developmentally appropriate skills. But they can still have a chance at life through developmental delay treatments that include proper management and support. 

So, when you wonder how to help a child with developmental delay, here are the other ways that you can help your child's delayed development:

1. Use Early Intervention

This method makes it much more likely for your child to 

  • reach their full potential, 
  • can function well, 
  • Have a better quality of life, and 
  • find their place in society as adults. 

So, it's important to start helping children with developmental problems as soon as possible and to give them a wide range of services the earliest. 

2. Implement the Structured Routine

If your kid is experiencing developmental delay, a structured routine can help by providing a stable, familiar, predictable, and nurturing environment. For example, establishing 

  • regular eating, 
  • playing, and 
  • Sleeping times.

These can aid your child's growth and development.

3. Engage in Home Activities

You can help your child's skill development through what you do at home. Playing with play-dough, slime, or putty can develop fine motor abilities. While playing in the mud or dancing can help kids develop gross motor abilities.

4. Provide Medication 

Treatment with medication is possible for symptoms of developmental delays, such as hyperactivity disorder (ADHD), and in some situations. If your child needs a prescription, talk to their pediatrician or a specialist.

Please consult your child's pediatrician or specialist to establish the most appropriate medication treatment.

Visit Your Child’s Pediatrician

Sang Pediatrics
is the place to go if you're looking for "child-wellness clinics near me" or "pediatricians in Fresno, California."

Our pediatric clinic supports you in recognizing developmental delay signs at the earliest. We will monitor your child’s development during our
Routine Child Wellness Check-ups. Our team of competent medical professionals can offer you the advice and tools you require to help your child thrive. 

Do not hesitate to arrange a consultation today. Let us assist you in giving your child the excellent possible start in life.  Please call us at (559) 268-1737.

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